No Longer Available
A Case of Treasure and Treachery, Murder Mystery Game
( for
8 to 10 people )
The year is 1776 and the North American continent is in a state of turmoil. A Declaration of Independence absolving all allegiances to the British Crown is expected imminently from the United States Patriots, the huge consequences of which will be felt far and wide, now and in to the future. One place already feeling the effects is the nearby Caribbean, where a fragile truce between rival pirate warlords is on the verge of collapse, as existing loyalties are strained and new rivalries emerge. These and other problems, are set to be addressed at this year's Pirate Council Annual General Meeting, which is due to be held, as always, at the Jolly Roger Inn, in Port Royal, Jamaica. However, on the eve of the meeting, as the ships arrive in port, the town is stunned by the murder of Captain William Kidd, a leading Caribbean warlord and Pirate Council member, who is found with his throat cut, on the steps of George III House, the Governor of Jamaica’s official residence. That initial shock is soon replaced by bewilderment, when Jeremiah Hatchet, Captain Kidd’s attorney, calls an urgent meeting of those named as beneficiaries to Kidd’s estate. However, in order to be eligible for a share in the fortune, each of the invited guests must first agree to a most unusual proposal; one specifically designed to catch the Captain's killer!
Guests / Suspects :
BLUEBEARD - A ruthless pirate Captain with a fearful reputation for never taking prisoners. He owns a large fleet of ships and enjoys the 'high-life' ... or at least he did, when times were good.
THE BLACK WIDOW - Widow of the late pirate Blackbeard, who died 25 years ago. Still mourning his loss, she keeps herself busy running the Jolly Roger Inn, a favourite drinking den of the local Caribbean pirates.
SIR HENRY MORGAN - Governor of Jamaica and wealthy privateer to King George III. He rules the colony with an iron fist, not least by ruthlessly hanging independent pirates and smugglers.
LADY CHASTITY MORGAN - Aristocratic wife of Sir Henry, and niece to King George III. Increasingly bored with Jamaican society, she yearns to return to England.
LONG JOHN SILVER - An old rogue and pirate who, after being marooned, lived alone on a remote island for twenty five years, until his recent rescue.
'SCARLET' READ (female role)- Also known as Mary Read A swashbuckling dandy of a pirate. His foppish nature occasionally raises eyebrows, but he is a fearless fighter - renowned for wearing blood-red (scarlet) shirts for combat.
BLIND PEW - A sinister old smuggler, he lost his sight in a gunpowder blast before being taken in by The Black Widow, for whom he now works as a ‘handyman’ and message deliverer.
ANNE BONNEY - The daughter of Black Widow and the late Blackbeard, she captains her own ship, whilst operating under the command of her uncle Bluebeard.
Optional Guests:
ROGER THE CABIN BOY - A young sailor boy of fifteen; he has served loyally on Captain Kidd’s ship since being orphaned at the age of ten.
TIA MARIA - Serving wench at the Jolly Roger Inn. A dusky beauty with a warm and friendly nature; she is a firm favorite with the local sailors, many of whom shower her with gifts and affection.
Contents :
Instructions, 10 Character Booklets, 10 colour Invitations (with character descriptions and colour portraits to assist with costume selection), Secret Clues, Table Place Names, 10 Envelopes, Narative CD
Also required in order to play (but not included) :
CD player